19 Oct 2021
How to plant your fruit tree
Autumn is the best time to plant your tree, when the soil is warm and it has time to settle, so it stands strong until next spring.
The right place
Choosing the right location for your tree is important. It will need a lot of sun, which is why we recommend placing it south. Warm, sunny, and ideally with some protection from icy winds (for example, a northern wall).
It is not recommended to plant it on a rock or a dry place, because you want your tree to get enough water even on the hottest summer days. This is also the reason why one should not plant trees too close to each other.
Plan ahead and keep in mind that you will need to water your tree a lot during the summer.
Be sure your soil is fertile otherwise you can add compost if needed. More on this later on this page.
Protect your fruit trees from animals (hares, deer, etc.) by building a strong fence.
We recommend 3 m high (for moose and deer) and a tighter net at the bottom, preferably buried, to protect against rabbits.
If you only have one tree, you can also protect it directly with a small fence system.
The digging
Prepare a hole at least twice the size of the roots of your tree (about 150l).
While digging, make sure no bare roots are exposed to sunlight to prevent them from drying out and dying.
Now fill the hole with approx. 100l of water. This makes it easier to cover all the roots and to make sure the tree has enough water from the start.
Carefully place your tree in the hole and cover it with loose, nutrient-rich soil. Make sure all the roots are covered and the soil reaches all the way down, to prevent air pockets. You can use your fingers for this to avoid damaging the thin roots. Now tamp down the soil - again, be careful not to stand too close to the trunk to prevent damaging the roots.

For maximum growth and yield, additional fertilization is a must.
Start with approximately 10kg of compost and 2kg of lime immediately after planting. Spread it out as a loose ring around the trunk, avoiding direct contact with the tree trunk.
The leaves should have a lush green color. If they look pale or yellow, you can add additional nutrients. We recommend e.g. The leaves should have a lush green color. If they look pale or yellow, you can add more nutrition. We recommend eg composted horse manure and chalk (to absorb the nutrients).
For smaller trees, up to 150cm, we recommend 500g of chalk and 5kg of horse manure. For larger trees, use double the amount. Plums are an exception and should get 50% less chalk.
Fertilize frequently throughout the years.
Watering and weeding
Water adequately depending on the weather conditions and keep the soil around the tree free of weeds and parasites.
Planting and planning service
If you are unsure or do not have the opportunity to plant or plan yourself, we are happy to help. We offer planning and planting of your orchard. Just write us an email: blekingefrukttradplantskola@gmail.com